Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

This Web site is presented by Happy Place Care Services for the sole purpose of disseminating health information for public benefit.

By accessing or using the Happy Place Care Services Web site, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions below. LifeBridge Health may modify this Agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the modified Agreement. You agree to review the Agreement periodically to be aware of such modifications, and your accessing or using the Service constitutes your acceptance of the Agreement as it appears at the time of your access or use.

  • All health and health-related information contained within the Happy Place Care Services Web site is intended to be general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a health care professional. The advice is intended to offer only a general basis for individuals to discuss their medical condition with their health care provider. Your health care provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment and needs of you and your family.
  • Some pages within this web site, for the convenience of users, are linked to web sites not maintained by Happy Place Care Services. Happy Place Care Services does not review, control or take responsibility for the content of these Web sites.
  • Links from this Web site to Web sites not maintained by Happy Place Care Services do not imply endorsement or credibility of the service, information or product offered through the linked sites.
  • Although every effort is made to ensure that the Happy Place Care Services Web site is accurate and timely, it is provided for the convenience of the web site user and should not be considered official.
  • In all instances, we do our best to respond to e-mail inquiries in a timely manner. However, due to the volume of e-mails we receive, we may not be able to reply in a period of time that meets your needs.
  • Potential users in any jurisdiction in the world, the common, statutory, regulatory, or codified law of which would void this agreement in whole or in any essential part or which makes accessing this Web site illegal, are unauthorized to use this site, and do so entirely at their own risk.
  • To the extent applicable, the foregoing applies to any information Happy Place Care Services may disseminate through any social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
Privacy Statement

This statement discloses our information-gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site. You may visit our site without submitting any information about yourself. If you send us e-mail you will be asked to submit information about yourself. We will use this information for replying to your message or forwarding the requested material. We do not share this information with any other partners or affiliates of Happy Place Care Services. If you opt to receive any of our publications, you may choose to discontinue this service at any time.

Our website uses cookies to help us identify the browser you are using and the portions of our site you visit. Our website also logs IP addresses to assist us in identifying your service provider. This information is gathered so we can continuously improve the service we provide. Cookies and IP addresses are not used to identify individuals.

Due to the nature of electronic communications, we cannot and do not provide any assurances that the contents of your e-mail will not become known or accessible to third parties. We urge you not to provide any confidential information about you or your health to us via electronic communication. If you do so, it is at your own risk.

Happy Place Care Services does not gather, use, or store any information about you in connection with its transmission of information through any social media.
If you have any questions regarding our Terms our Use or Privacy Statement, please contact us.

Happy Place Care Services

7217 Edgewood Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55428
Nurse's Line: (612) 242-9501
Tel: (763) 561-0450
Fax: (763) 561-0487

Contact Us

For inquiries about our services, please call (612) 242-9501 or email happyplacecareservices@gmail.com